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Sooooo, here you can find some more typographic bordercrossing experiences, but this time, all drawn by hand. The "concept" was to represent those wide ranging fruit perspectives throughout these letters A – Z up to some new freaky mixed animals, experiencing special love moments throughout those numerals 0 – 9.

Those chosen fruits are acai, banana, cereza, dragonfruit, eggfruit, feijoa, guaraná, higo, icaco, jambolan, kiwi, lime, melon, nance, orange, peach, quince, rockmelon, salak, tangerine, uglyfruit, voavanga, wampi, xigua, yuzu and zigzagfruit. The mixey animals are horse with zebra, ocelot with panther, triguero with hummingbird, tapir with anteater, flamingo with swan, fly with bumblebee, salamandra with lizard, sheep with deer, elephant with dromedary and nudibranch with slug.